Hygroscopicity Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer (HTDMA)

The hygroscopicity tandem differential mobility analyzer (HTDMA) is a scientific instrument used to measure the hygroscopic growth of aerosol particles. It consists of two differential mobility analyzers (DMAs) connected in series, with humidification of the chamber between them. In the first DMA, aerosol particles are classified according to their size, based on their mobility in an electric field. The classified particles then enter the humidification chamber, where they are exposed to controlled levels of humidity. The second DMA then classifies the particles based on their increased size due to hygroscopic growth.

The HTDMA is often used in atmospheric science research to study the behavior of aerosols, which are small particles suspended in the air. Aerosols can have significant impacts on climate, visibility, and human health, and their behavior is influenced by their size, composition, and water content. By measuring the hygroscopic growth of aerosols with the HTDMA, researchers can better understand their properties and behavior in the atmosphere.

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